Wednesday 4 January 2012

Taster... Whats on my mind right now - 4th Jan 2012

So ive done it. I ve gone and started a blog.
I wanted to get one going to have a place to vent... you know, really let loose.

So let me begin im 25, female, 5.5 and a red head. Forever being told how lovely my hair is, Always being tapped on the shoulder by strangers to tell me how beautiful it is...

And yeah I agree, it is nice...Its red but with different shades, the best one I get (generally from older people) Is "People pay thousands to get hair like that" But I didnt make it! So why should I take the credit? Its not like Im a colourist and I put together all different shades and took the careful time to apply it through my locks. I was born with it... Is it OK to take that as a compliment? I mean- I tame it and pay for expensive conditioners to make it shine... But is that enough to warrant saying "Thanks"?? Sometimes i get really embarrassed and just sort of nod and smile. What is the right way to react??

Its like singers... Adele is being praised for having this wonderful voice... and yeah, its beautiful... but she didnt make it, she didnt 'build' so to speak, she was born with it. Yeah she trained it and yeah she probably exercises it and lets honey run down her throat to soothe it, but its the same thing as my hair.

Like a comedian getting compliments on how funny he is, thats fine because he sat and wrote his material (Or sat and picked good parts from someone elses) either way he has took time to perfect it.

Im not good at compliments. Never took them well... why is that?

I just dont get it.


  1. Perhaps you should respond with a little self-deprecating humour when people praise your hair. Something like: "Yeah, the orang-utans hoot with excitement when I visit the zoo."

  2. Thanks Gorilla. That really tickled me.. :)
